About Me

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I'm about to graduate from nursing school and I'm very excited! I'm so happy with my life right now...all you people already know about me so I don't need to say much! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Halloween in December

Well we had our Halloween Party up at the Cabin this weekend. Fun was had by all. We need to remember that we can't start drinking Baileys in coffee in the morning...go to the bar and then think we can stay up all night. We were tired and tipsy by 7pm hahahha. It was fun although we had a lot of people cancel last minute. Michael Jackson, a Chippendales/Chris Farley dancer and Buddy the Elf made appearances! Gotta love it! Next up...Christmas!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goodbye Summer...Hello Fall

Well it is that time again. Time to make the apple cider and watch football all day on sundays! (although I've been doing that already). Sad that we won't be out on the lake with water anymore...it's going to be ice before we know it and we'll be bundled up attempting to ice fish! hahaha. Last year Steve, I and his cousin Jimmy and his gf were very unsuccessful. Rocky boy is also going to have to get use to the snow. He got his first taste of going outside in it this saturday morning. He gave me the look like "I'm not walking on that white stuff with my paws". hahaha!

Not really much new here. I'm working a ful 1.0 now at work and have officially retired from The PERK. ;). It wasn't worth it towards the end to only work one day a week. My other job keeps me busy and I hope to maybe get in at the new Maple Grove Hospital. It opens in December. I will try my darndest.

We do not have any trips planned right now. We were talking of going to Vegas in November but I don't know if my pocketbook is planning it right now. In March we hope to go with another couple to Playa Del Carmen. None of us have ever been there and I could use a lil' sun. Steve and I are planning for Halloween. We both know what we are going to be but don't really have plans for the saturday of Halloween. His annual Cabin Halloween Party is December 12th! That should be fun!

I hope everyone is well and GO TWINS!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The summer

Well as Kelli always updates her blogs with what her months ahead consist of..here is mine:

August has something every weekend!

1. Just had Gramp and Grams 50th Wedding Anniv Party
2. Went to Adventureland with fam to meet up with God son and friend Tammy
3. Hot tub room is almost finished! Yipppeee!
4. Up to the cabin this weekend Aug 7-9th
5. Next weekend is Steves 15th Class reunion in Blaine
6. Ma and I leave Sunday at 5:30 for Vegas. Ma has never flown! Staying at Excalibur!
7. We get home wed the 19th
8. Then i work for 2 days then up to the cabin for Jaquis BDAY Party bus
9. Wedding the next weekend but I work so Steve will have to go
10. Labor day the next weekend. Jim Millers 50th bday party and then back up to the cities for Howie's MUD RUN sunday and monday.
11. Aerosmith concert on Sept 8th!
12. Golf Benefit Dinner on Wed the 9th.....
13. Brenda from school gets married the weekend of Sept 12th
14. Tippy Cup tournament on Sept 26th....
15. Then I don't know...I think we are going back to Vegas like the 2nd week of October!

Somewhere I have to work and make money in all this but it will be fun!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Catchin' UP

Sittin' here watching the Bachelorette I had recorded and Wes just disgusts me! I am glad he is gone. What a jerk! My dog also thinks that the computer can't sit on my lap. That is his place- so the computer is on my lap and he is higher up resting on my forearms/chest. What a spoiled lil' booger. Anywhoo...I was so lucky to work fri, sat, sun of this holiday weekend. It was my holiday off but i traded with a girl so i can have labor day off. That way at least i have sat sun mon off rather than just the one day i would have had this last weekend. But being me...I drove up to the cabin after fri work. i got there around 530 and then drove home sat morning at 11 to work at 2pm. It turned out not to be that terrible. I'm excited for this next weekend for Twins game with Dre and Tiny and then pool party on sat afternoon! Let there be sun!!!! hahahhaa :) Hope everyone is well!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Well we went on our 4 wheeling/camping trip last thursday through this tuesday! It was great! I had not been camping in quite awhile! I rode my own 4 wheeler that someone let me borrow for the day for our first day riding and that was great! Then the 2nd day I just got on the back with Steve! It was great! Also went to Crazy Horse, Custer State park, Needles Highway and Mt. Rushmore! I had already been to all these but it was great to go with Steve and Friends! Check out more pics on facebook!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Sisters Graduation Party

Well guys...she's the 2nd female grandchild of Jim and Sharon to graduate! :) Her party will be outside at my moms house in Buffalo! I really hope you can all make it. She will be excited. If not...you can send cards to me or to her at my moms house. My address is 1138 160th Ave NW, Andover, MN 55304. Here's the info!

Bri's Grad Party

When: June 27th, 2009

Time: 3-7pm

Where: Bri's House

1009 3rd Ave NE (Off Hwy 55)

Buffalo, MN 55313

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yay...my first nurses day! They are giving us free lunch even on friday at work! Whooopee! hahaha. Happy Nurses Day to you as well cuz Dre! Gram even left me a card that I wasn't supposed to open til' today! I waited like a good granddaughter. Thanks Gramp and Gram! Love, NIK!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I've decided

Well I've decided that my family is boring me! I go to read updated blogs and there is nothing! What the heck guys! Give me something interesting to read on my computer! hahaha. Dre...especially you! hahaha. For those of you who read this...my sister Bri graduates this year! yay! We are planning to have her graduation party on Saturday June 27th. It will probably be late afternoon! Mom plans to have it in their yard in buffalo so i hope the weather is good! If you guys could start sending me your addresses that would be great. Send them to fultonrn@gmail.com. If you can't make it then at least you will get an invite! I'm probably going to be in charge of that aspect. My mom is nervous about having it at their house because it is pretty small. I know Bri would love family to show up! Her actual graduation ceremony for school is June 5th but the rest of June is just so busy for mom and I so that is why we picked the 27th. She's not quite sure on a college yet but she's thinking St. Cloud! Alrighty- Thanks guys! My baby Bri is growing up!

Monday, April 6, 2009

First Day Off

Well...I drove into work this morning and our census is down so I had to go home...It was my turn in the rotation. Not many of us wanted to or could afford to but I did. I guess I will try to make the most of my day off...at least the sun is out! I really wish the sun would come out a lil more lately! Up at the cabin this weekend the bar had TROPICAL NIGHT! It was fun- we all had some lei's on and dressed in the "beachy-ist" shirts or outfits that we had! I guess I will cuddle up to some good Lifetime Television now! hahahhaa. Tooodaloo!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back to Reality! and the U S of A!

Well...it's back to reality time again! My vacations are over for awhile. I now have to dive into my new job and learn it the best that I can. The cruise was wonderful! It's this huge hotel on water! Steve and I had a great time and our room was wonderful. We could go out on our balcony and watch us leave port every day. We swam with sea turtles and steve saw whales and a shark while deep sea fishing! We definitely kept busy since we had a port everyday! The people we went with were great and I'd love to go again! I even sat down at a Blackjack table in the boats casino and managed to come out even. Beginners luck I guess! It was so fun and I hope to keep a lil' tan for awhile! Toodles for now. Also, my highschool friend Tara is in critical care at HCMC with a Traumatic Brain Injury after a bad car accident the day before I left... I hope to get up to see her but if everyone would say a prayer I'd appreciate it. Her caring site is http://caringbridge.org/cb/viewJournal.do?method=executeInit

Thank you!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's official!

I am now an RN, BSN! Yay! All done with that nerve racking time of my life. I will start my job tomorrow morning at 6am and work every day til' I leave for the Southern Caribbean! Yay! Thanks for all the support! Whoop whoop!

Monday, February 16, 2009

In waiting

Wow...I hate being in waiting. I just need to know my NCLEX results. It stinks not knowing. Not cool, not cool at all. Since I took them on a friday, they are not open on the weekends- therefore my results should be up today-- HOpefully! I'll check again after the gym. EEEEEK!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, I got hired at they Hillcrest Golden Living in Wayzata Minnesota. I will be working 6 am til 2pm at a .8 schedule. It's a start. Not my dream job but we'll see how it goes. I'm scared to death though to take the NCLEX boards. Scared scared scared. I will just keep doing practice questions and studying. We'll see how it goes! Thanks everyone for caring!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bahama Mama

Well...here I am back in the coldness! It was an awesome trip but it's now back to reality! The Michael Jordan golf tournament was awesome with a lot of celebs: Josh Duhamel, Michael Jordan, Ken Griffey Jr., John Elway, Chris Tucker, Samuel L. Jackson, Mia Hamm and Julius Erving and much more! We went snorkeling, on a dinner cruise and I became a fire dancing bahama mama, steve had to assist in the limbo fire show, steve touched a stingray and we fed sharks! The sun was beautiful! I can't wait to go back again and see the sun. I did manage to gamble away at least 40dollars though! Could have been worse! Alrighty! Let the snow melting begin!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Crazy Dayz

Well...I've been searching for nursing jobs but it's driving me crazy! Hopefully I can find one somewhere. I'm going for whatever I can get these days! Steve and I got a Y membership! YAY! No more fatty Mcgee mee! :) I also have my new laptop up and running thanks to Steves friend Dane. It's a beauty and it works like a charm! Also, I called into Perkins for the first time this weekend in 4.5 years! Wow huh! Well- it was my decision to drive back up to the cabin on saturday after work and then the weather fairy dumped a bunch of snow and ice. Oh well...they were dead anyways! No Loss! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!
